Add dominant color in the WordPress images style to use as background-color for WooCommerce products
This should work for all images you attach to your WordPress website through the media gallery
3 min readJul 26, 2023
If you have a smaller scale image, but you don’t like the space that is let blank at the sides of it, you can consider adding a colored background to it so the free space of the for example object-fit: contain;
, can be masked with an in-place fitted to image color.
We can do this using a plug-in and a bit of code for functions.php (Code Snippet).
First, download and install the Dominant Color module.
Now, you can insert the code below into your functions.php (Code Snippet):
* This function will filter the standard image HTML output to add the dominant color
* as hex data attribute and CSS variable
add_filter('wp_get_attachment_image', 'add_dominant_color_palette_hex_attr_on_image', 10, 5);
function add_dominant_color_palette_hex_attr_on_image($html, $attachment_id, $size, $icon, $attr) {
//Exit if is admin panel or the plugin is disabled
if ( is_admin() || !function_exists('get_color_data')) return $html;
// Get the attachment metadata
$attachment_metadata =…